Glenfiddich Distillery
Delivery by whisky bio fuel

Pronunciation: Glen-FID-dich
Meaning: Valley of the Deer
Interesting fact: On Christmas Day 1887 William Grant, the founder of Glenfiddich, realised his lifelong ambition to create the best dram in the valley when the first drops of whisky flowed from stills in the distillery which he and his family had toiled for a year to build.
Eco and sustainability :
In a world first, Glenfiddich has begun operating its fleet with self-produced biogas. The biogas is extracted from the residues of whisky production using a technology developed in-house by the family run company Willian Grants. This low-carbon gas produces only minor emissions.
Over the course of the last decade Glenfiddich has become the first distillery to process 100 per cent of its waste residues on its own site and now is the first to process those residues into biogas fuel to power its fleet of lorries.
The strapline on the side of the vehicles celebrates the achievement; “Fuelled by Glenfiddich – turning whisky waste into ultra low carbon fuel”. Special petrol stations have been set up on the grounds of the Glenfiddich distillery. Lorries fill up with both whisky and whisky produced fuel making the journey to the filling and packaging site climate neutral.
Compared to fossil fuels, each truck saves up to 250 tons of CO2 annually, which corresponds to a similar benefit for the environment as planting around 4,000 trees a year.